Genuine Massage
Tantric Massage in Singapore for Women by a Male Masseur
12/02/13 16:37 Filed in: Yoni Massage | tantric massage
When first looking for a Tantric massage or a yoni massage in Singapore, many women consider going to a male masseur out of the question, and they look for a female Tantric masseuse instead.
A lot of the time is because women are afraid of going to a male Tantric masseur. They may feel that a man would have his own agenda, and be doing this kind of massage for wrong reasons. This is a valid point but it would only apply to someone who is not professional enough. The real question is not whether you should receive a Tantric massage / yoni massage from a man or a woman, but rather whether the person you are considering is a genuine Tantric professional.
Another common reason that women choose a Tantric massage in Singapore from a woman is not just because they feel safer, but also because they feel they would be understood by a woman better or a woman would be able to relate better. Again, this depends on professionalism of the Tantric professional of a massage service agency. If a male Tantric masseur is experienced, he will know far more about working with women – and their bodies – than a female Tantric masseuse who will be working with women only occasionally, the main bulk of her work being with men. And a Tantric massage is not about counselling, it is a real direct bodily experience or Kundalini that requires certain magnetism – male hands will always have an advantage here.
It is also true that Tantric massage in Singapore is misunderstood and lots of people offer it without being professional or knowing what it is about. However, if you have established that you are communicating with a real Tantric professional, the only true Tantric massage for a heterosexual woman would be from a Man.
Written by Sarah Yap
A Satisfied Client of i Tantric
A lot of the time is because women are afraid of going to a male Tantric masseur. They may feel that a man would have his own agenda, and be doing this kind of massage for wrong reasons. This is a valid point but it would only apply to someone who is not professional enough. The real question is not whether you should receive a Tantric massage / yoni massage from a man or a woman, but rather whether the person you are considering is a genuine Tantric professional.
Another common reason that women choose a Tantric massage in Singapore from a woman is not just because they feel safer, but also because they feel they would be understood by a woman better or a woman would be able to relate better. Again, this depends on professionalism of the Tantric professional of a massage service agency. If a male Tantric masseur is experienced, he will know far more about working with women – and their bodies – than a female Tantric masseuse who will be working with women only occasionally, the main bulk of her work being with men. And a Tantric massage is not about counselling, it is a real direct bodily experience or Kundalini that requires certain magnetism – male hands will always have an advantage here.
It is also true that Tantric massage in Singapore is misunderstood and lots of people offer it without being professional or knowing what it is about. However, if you have established that you are communicating with a real Tantric professional, the only true Tantric massage for a heterosexual woman would be from a Man.
Written by Sarah Yap
A Satisfied Client of i Tantric