Massage Parlors
Tantric massage Gift Voucher for Singapore Birthday
12/02/13 16:28 Filed in: tantric massage | Singapore
Sometimes people call me to book a Tantric massage in Singapore appointment for someone else, as a present for Christmas or a birthday etc.
I never make that booking. At best I may offer a gift voucher for a Tantric massage in Singapore or a Yoni massage, but I will strongly recommend the person to consider it well before paying for it. I will explain my reasons for it.
First of all, a Tantric massage is a very specific kind of experience. No matter how well you know the person, you simply cannot guess what they will think of this idea. They may have even explicitly stated their interest in a Tantric massage in Singapore but from my experience things get very much considered anew when one is actually to go for one. Lots of factors go into this decision, so your gift voucher for a Tantric massage can become an awkward gift to receive. It is essential that people choose this experience of their own accord without feeling an obligation to someone else.
Secondly, even if a person would like a Tantric massage, it matters a lot where they go and who they will receive it from. Personal connection in massage parlors is important but some prefers outcall. A gift voucher for a Tantric massage will be chosen without the recipient’s personal choice in mind.
When a Tantric massage gift voucher is for a man there is an extra consideration – it can only be an open-ended gift voucher, not an appointment fixed for a particular day. Men have to take into account their time of the month. They also generally like to choose the best time for something so intimate, taking into account many factors. So it really isn’t a decision that should be taken for them.
When I get called for a gift voucher for a Tantric massage in Singapore I normally recommend to go about it the following way: suggest in some way that you have inquired and if they would like this present you will finalise the arrangement, but have another present on standby.
Written by John Lee
A Satisfied Client of i Tantric
I never make that booking. At best I may offer a gift voucher for a Tantric massage in Singapore or a Yoni massage, but I will strongly recommend the person to consider it well before paying for it. I will explain my reasons for it.
First of all, a Tantric massage is a very specific kind of experience. No matter how well you know the person, you simply cannot guess what they will think of this idea. They may have even explicitly stated their interest in a Tantric massage in Singapore but from my experience things get very much considered anew when one is actually to go for one. Lots of factors go into this decision, so your gift voucher for a Tantric massage can become an awkward gift to receive. It is essential that people choose this experience of their own accord without feeling an obligation to someone else.
Secondly, even if a person would like a Tantric massage, it matters a lot where they go and who they will receive it from. Personal connection in massage parlors is important but some prefers outcall. A gift voucher for a Tantric massage will be chosen without the recipient’s personal choice in mind.
When a Tantric massage gift voucher is for a man there is an extra consideration – it can only be an open-ended gift voucher, not an appointment fixed for a particular day. Men have to take into account their time of the month. They also generally like to choose the best time for something so intimate, taking into account many factors. So it really isn’t a decision that should be taken for them.
When I get called for a gift voucher for a Tantric massage in Singapore I normally recommend to go about it the following way: suggest in some way that you have inquired and if they would like this present you will finalise the arrangement, but have another present on standby.
Written by John Lee
A Satisfied Client of i Tantric